Front View..Rear View get from the link below haha..I dun have the picture
Some inner frame exposure for those who wan to see inside lol
You all eechi..even robots also wan see their deep inside flesh haha
Some Action POSE below
Cool right?Wait until you see the next pic below
seems GN-X pilot cockpit is on the part
Weakness of GN-X = Weakness of man
Yaya..gals own mans weakness here
Pilot owned by Cockpit kill right?
Very Nice Gn-Drive BOOM! come out..
A nice and quite classy stand for the fake GN-Drive
See the Hexagon shape? will know what is their use in the picture below
This tells you what?You get 7 GN-Drive in a box?
NO! you only get one..yeah Bandai haha
The stands can fit into this kind of shape if you have 7 GN- Drive and their Stand
Hexagon right? 1 GN-Drive stand you can fix 6 GN-Drive to it..
Seems cool to me but the money ...
You get Sergei and Soma for buying the GN-X..I wonder..will you get the same Sergei for the blue GN-X?
or Celestial Being outfit for GN Archer?..Yeah Time will tell
OK you won't get a LED for this kit sorry.Although purple Gn Drive looks fancy.
3780yen inclusive of tax (3600yen will be local price)
If you have friend in Japan or you are in Japan.
Feel free to buy this kit at a promotion price in Amazon.JP
Try the link below by using Google translate
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